
可众一小时一买的加速器 Shares the Science of Lipids and More


He’s tall, thin and athletic. So why “The Fat Guy”?

Because he’s an expert on lipids—the oils and fats that healthy bodies need.

The Fat Guy is Dr. Chen Chen, a nutritional PhD scientist with exceptional knowledge about the fats that can heal us, and the fats that do us harm.

Chen’s mission is to help people live healthy and fulfilling lives, by sharing the secrets of good nutrition.


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    My friend Edward is cautious when it comes to his health. This past spring he wasn’t feeling like his normal self and went to the hospital for testing. Two-and-a-half days and $40,000 later (insurance covered 70%), Edward was released to go home, feeling relieved and happy. When I asked him wh...

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One of the most dramatic developments in recent years has been the role of fat in health and nutrition. It’s a complete reversal of thinking.

Logically, eating fat should make you fat—and until recently, that’s what most experts believed.

Now we know the opposite is true. Eating the right fat can make you thin!

The basic reason is this: when you eat more fat, you train your body to use fat for fuel, instead of refined carbohydrates from foods like sugary beverages bread, pasta, pastries and sweets.

Once the body starts using fat for fuel, it doesn’t stop with what you eat—it burns the fat in your belly, your butt, and everywhere else.


Eating the right fats in the right proportions is the best way to lose weight. But it’s much more than that. High-fat eating has been shown to have a positive impact on total wellbeing, including:

  • Cardiovascular health
  • 加速器在哪买
  • Immunity
  • Healthy aging

Dr. Chen’s purpose is to help people in all aspects of health. That includes weight loss, but also enjoying more years of happy, active living.

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